
Showing posts from July, 2018

Banishing the Gheist of 4e: Modifying 5th edition DnD's Warlock

As some of you may already know from my previous posts, I did not dislike 4th edition. I believe it had problems such as the combat taking forever and there being minimal options for those who wanted a less complicated character but I actively enjoyed it. If you liked tactical combat I am not sure I could recommend a system more than 4th edition D&D. When I look back though, there is one thing that haunts me; yes even more than the time that me and my group fought a single elite undead for 2 hours... that sucked and was boring but that wasn't what haunts me. I remember these conversations with my group. About the idea of obtaining "social" utility abilities and how we all wanted them but it was never the "smart" thing to do. The problem with 4e is that while it was super tight in terms of combat it expected you to focus on said combat. You had to ignore the fact that 4e was full of fun utility abilities that let you do stuff like fire arrows at a wall and th