The Problems of Absentee Villains
I ran the entirety of Wizard of the Coast's Storm King's Thunder and there was one aspect that really stood out to me. Ok, not entirely true; there were a lot of aspects that stood out to me but this isn't a review. Oh and in case this is not obvious, spoilers. Like, most of them. Doing all of them would take too long. (p.s. If any members of my new DnD group read this please note this includes concepts and ideas for the game I will be running for you all. So please... stop now. Looking at you Beckett) The villain and climax of the Storm King's Thunder campaign is the fight against the vile Blue Dragon Lymrith; a creature who spends the whole campaign manipulating various events in the storm giant court while in the guise of one such creature. The result of her manipulations? Well... stuff whose effects are only felt overtly if you are a storm giant. Which you aren't because you're a player character. Please note, this isn't necessarily a bad thing, from a...