Oh... oh hey

This is a thing now. It's made and stuff. Well then, best way to start is an introduction. My name is Maia Cross (hence "the Cross DM. Yes I like my dual meanings. Yes ATypical Fantasy is another one. No I don't have a problem yet).

Art by Jimi Bonogofsky

That is a good approximation of the me you would probably meet in the near future (hair dye is expensive... and while I do have a table shirt that shirt is not real and it makes me sad). Beyond that, I am really tall and I have a love for tabletop games and game design.

I started DnD sometime around 2010 when some friends got together for a 4th edition game which went for many years though is now stopped because schedules are hard and the 4th edition character creator is defunct. Since then, I have DMed in a multi-year long 5th edition campaign where I been adapting a dnd 4e campaign to the latest edition. Said campaign was made by the illustrious Thursday Knights and the podcast they have of this campaign is brilliant. My project to adapt this campaign is still very much in progress but it is close to halfway done. Beyond that, I have played in several pathfinder games, helped others GMs in various systems, and created a villain PC who rose to power and became a minor antagonist to the party who was never caught. That pleased me greatly. Also, I am going to soon be starting a newly designed game that was kickstarted called The Magical Land of Yeld by Jake Richmond.

Ok, that is enough of my tabletop resume. Here is what to expect. I am a GM/player who loves surprise, mystery, and leaving the table guessing as to what is going to happen next. It is my hope to write about my experiences GMing (or as a player at times) to discuss what worked, did not work, and various pitfalls to watch out for. More of that coming soon!

Your Cross DM, Maia


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